*** Information currently not verified, use with caution! This page is work-in-progress - please add your experiences, know-how, corrections, contributions, ... by leaving a comment, so we can make this a comprehensive documentation. Thanks! ***
built-in serial port:
- D-SUB25 plug, male
- RS-232 compatible level signals (-12/+12V)
- RS-232 compatible pinout (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, ...) with additional pins/signals
- WARNING: Pin 9: +12V Power
- WARNING: Pin 10: -12V Power
1 ---- SHIELD GROUND (do not connect to GND)
2 --> TXD / transmit data
3 <-- RXD / receive data
4 --> RTS / request to send
5 <-- CTS / clear to send
6 <-- DSR / data set ready
7 ---- GND / system ground (do not connect to SHIELD GROUND)
8 <-- CD / carrier detect
9 --> +12V DC (20 mA max)
10 --> -12V DC (20 mA max)
11 --> AUDO Amiga audio out (left)
12 ---- not connected / SPEED INDICATE
13 ---- not connected
14 ---- not connected
15 ---- not connected
16 ---- not connected
17 ---- not connected
18 <-- AUDI Amiga audio in (right)
19 ---- not connected
20 --> DTR / data terminal ready
21 ---- not connected
22 <-- RI / ring indicator
23 ---- not connected
24 ---- not connected
25 ---- not connected
built-in serial port:
- D-SUB25 plug, female
- RS-232 compatible level signals (-12/+12V)
- RS-232 compatible pinout (TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, ...) with additional pins/signals
- RS-232 "Ring Indicator" (RI, Pin 22) not present
- WARNING: Pin 14: -5V Power, 50mA
- WARNING: Pin 21: +5V Power, 100mA
- WARNING: Pin 23: +12V Power, 50mA
AUX port serial line:
- Mini-DIN plug, female
- TTL level signals (0/+5V)
- TxD and RxD only
Expansion port serial line:
- full serial port pinout available on internal expansion port
- (signal level?)
- (?)
- - -
2017-11-04: added CDTV
2017-11-02: stub page published, added pinout & plug info
- - -
Additional sources:
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